SOMA Housing Co-Operative Ltd
Events 2020
The effects of COVID 19 have been felt on all aspects of life and this included all of the plans we had put together for the year ahead. There hasn't been a proper meeting owing to the restrictions on gatherings during the period since March and the future of "get togethers" like business meetings, is even less certain. We are hoping to hold the AGM during November but first we need a Management Committee Meeting to arrange the date.The Project SID on the site in Kidlington ended in no deal for SOMA owing to COVID. As a consequence PLAN B was put into effect. PLAN B is to find an other property to develop, and Mark and David have put time into researching unwanted pubs that may be available for conversion into appartments and offices. A short list has been put together of properties that we need to research into the possibilities and the ownership, as well as the asking price. Favourite at the moment is the disused pub at Cullham, on the main road to Abingdon from Wallingford. Plans and drawing can be found here